Good Content VS Bad Content
Bad content can be a lot of things: boring, irrelevant, confusing, or even just plain ugly. Sometimes it’s badly written, poorly researched, or filled with clickbait headlines that promise the moon but deliver nothing. But the one thing all bad content has in common is that it fails to connect with its audience and it doesn’t solve a problem.
Make Boring Things Attractive
I never imagined I’d end up writing thousands of words about cranes, not the birds — I’m talking about construction cranes. But here we are! It’s not exactly the flashy world of Taylor Swift headlines, so how do you keep readers hooked on a subject that’s, well, a little less glamorous?
Make The Numbers Work For You
Marketing might not be all about feelings, but it sure can create them when done right! The key is to start with a rock-solid foundation rooted in data and tailor-made for your target audience.